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Version 1.3.0 released

Features / Changes (and Fixes)

  • Switched from Ms-PL to MIT license #2646
  • New DateTimePicker and TimePicker controls #2299 #2510 (@xxMUROxx)
  • New Hotkey control HotKeyBox #2322 (@thoemmi)
  • New ‘Remember’ CheckBox in LoginDialog #2308 #2305 (@manekovskiy)
  • New IconPacks for MahApps: PackIconMaterial, PackIconModern, PackIconFontAwesome and PackIconEntypo #2328 availabe at MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
    <iconPacks:PackIconMaterial Kind="EmoticonCool" Height="32" Width="32" />
    <iconPacks:PackIconModern Kind="Cupcake" Height="24" Width="24" />
    <iconPacks:PackIconFontAwesome Kind="FontAwesome" Height="16" Width="16" />
    <iconPacks:PackIconEntypo Kind="ThumbsUp" />
  • New Auto Close feature for Flyout #2228 #1710 (@Sikta)
    • Enable this by set IsAutoCloseEnabled to true
    • Time changable by AutoCloseInterval (default 5000 ms)
  • Fix PasswordBoxBindingBehavior and IsWaitingForData #2355
    • Fixed: Behaviors in StylizedBehaviors should be detached on unload
    • Fixed: PasswordBoxBindingBehavior, it doesn’t work e.g. in TabControl TabItems
    • IsWaitingForData for MetroButtonTextBox, MetroPasswordBox, MetroButtonPasswordBox, MetroButtonRevealedPasswordBox
    • PackIconMaterial Eye and ClearTextButton feature for MetroButtonRevealedPasswordBox
  • Added ContentStringFormat TemplateBinding to ToolTip #2359 (@nrpog) #2363
  • ControlsHelper.ButtonWidth for ComboBox and other stuff #2365
    • set ChromelessButtonStyle Padding to 0
    • new dependency property ButtonContentTemplate in TextBoxHelper
    • fix width of ClearText button if height change, e.g. for floating watermark
    • fix background state colors (IsPressed, IsMouseOver)
    • new own sytle MetroComboBoxDropDownToggleButtonStyle for ComboBox toggle button
  • Added EllipseDiameterScale to ProgressRing #2204 #2382 (@petvetbr)
  • WindowButtonCommands enhancements #2378
    • use ContentPresenter to show the WindowButtonCommands, so it’s now possible easier to change the min/max/close button styles
    • enable changing min/max/restore/close button tooltip
    • new Win10 style/template: MahApps.Metro.Styles.WindowButtonCommands.Win10 and MahApps.Metro.Templates.WindowButtonCommands.Win10
  • Minor Automation API support for Flyouts and NumericUpDown #2381 #2166 (@petvetbr)
  • Dialog font sizes setting implementation #2380 #2383 (@petvetbr, @punker76)
    • changable via DialogTitleFontSize and DialogMessageFontSize
  • New attached dependency property TextButton in TextBoxHelper which handles the visibility of the button in MetroButtonPasswordBox and MetroButtonTextBoxstyles #2387
  • Win10 ToggleSwitch and ToggleSwitchButton #2410
    • ToggleSwitch is now inherited from HeaderedContentControl
    • new dependency property HeaderFontFamily for ToggleSwitch
    • new Win10 and Metro styles
      • MahApps.Metro.Styles.ToggleSwitchButton.Win10, MahApps.Metro.Styles.ToggleSwitch.Win10
      • MahApps.Metro.Styles.ToggleSwitchButton, MahApps.Metro.Styles.ToggleSwitch
    • new Win10 font family and size keys
      • ToggleSwitchFontFamily.Win10, ToggleSwitchHeaderFontFamily.Win10
      • ToggleSwitchFontSize.Win10, ToggleSwitchHeaderFontSize.Win10
    • fixed broken IsPressed state
    • new brushes for the Win10 styles
    • new brush and color keys for all accent colors: AccentBaseColor and AccentBaseColorBrush (full color)
  • Flyout changes
    • SetFlyoutOpenAction is now obsolete
    • new/update template names BackButton, BackHeaderText
    • new CloseCommandParameter dependency property
  • FlipView changes
    • MouseOverGlowEnabled is now obsolete, use MouseHoverBorderEnabled instead
    • new MouseHoverBorderBrush and MouseHoverBorderThickness dependency property
  • New dependency property CircularNavigation for the FlipView #2389
  • BindsTwoWayByDefault removed from IsActiveProperty of ProgressRing #2438 (@xxMUROxx)
  • Fix Flyout theme usage in Caliburn.Micro sample
  • New dependency properties for Tile control: HorizontalTitleAlignment and VerticalTitleAlignment #2293
  • New attached dependency properties TextBoxHelper.ButtonFontSize #2345 Also add a new font size ClearTextButtonFontSize (default to 16) for all ‘ClearText’ buttons
  • Added a MetroFlatToggleButton style like MetroFlatButton #2481 (@Koopakiller)
  • New MetroThumbContentControl for MetroWindow title #2487
    • It’s now possible again to have title templates with clickable controls
    • Replaced TitleCaps with TitleCharacterCasing (marked as obsolete). Now title can be Upper, Lower or Normal
    • Add new styles MahApps.Metro.Styles.ContentControlEx and MahApps.Metro.Styles.MetroThumbContentControl
  • Flyout improvement caused by #2485 #2523
    • use ContentControlEx for header, so it’s now possible to use ControlsHelper attached properties ContentCharacterCasing, HeaderFontSize, HeaderFontWeight and HeaderFontStretch
    • new attached property ControlsHelper.HeaderMargin to handle the Margin from Flyout side
  • New dependency property ShowDialogsOverTitleBar for `MetroWindow? which allows showing title bar while showing dialogs (fixes #2109) #2534 (@Deadpikle)
  • Store/Restore focused element methods which will be used automatically with dialogs (but can be also used explicit) #2532
  • Added new methods ShowModalInputExternal, ShowModalLoginExternal and ShowModalMessageExternal. #2518 (@adeniltonbs)
  • New brush keys NonActiveWindowTitleColorBrush and NonActiveBorderColorBrush
  • Add IsNavigationEnabled Property in FlipView #2563 (@yoker)
  • Another SplitButton and DropDownButton fixes #2572
    • change SplitButton to Selector to get access to SelectedValuePath and SelectedValue
    • fixed Popup alignmentand close Popup on button click
    • add ItemsPanel template binding
    • add 2 new dependency properties ArrowMouseOverBrush, ArrowPressedBrush
    • enable Items usage (for SplitButton and DropDownButton)
    • add new dependency properties ContentTemplate, ContentTemplateSelector and ContentStringFormat for DropDownButton, if this proeprties are empty DropDownButton will be use the ItemXYZ properties
    • add protected virtual void SetContextMenuPlacementTarget(ContextMenu contextMenu) to DropDownButton
  • Glow activation/resizing/dpi fixes #2581
    • mouse activation bug if the MetroWindow uses a Glow
    • resizing/cursor bug on higher DPI
    • the glow can come on top if the main app has a second window and the user minimize and restore the main app again
    • the window doesn’t zoom in vertical height if the user double clicks on the top Glow
  • Introduce new styles for circle button and circle toggle button which removes the non removable inner margin.
    • MahApps.Metro.Styles.MetroCircleButtonStyle
    • MahApps.Metro.Styles.MetroCircleToggleButtonStyle
    • MahApps.Metro.Styles.MetroCircleFocusVisual

Closed Issues

  • #2003 “VisualButton” That makes working with the XAML icons easier
  • #2114 Icon color not changing on theme change (as #1029)
  • #2275 Embed Material Design Icons (in addition to Modern UI Icons)?
  • #1710 New “Auto Close” feature for Flyouts
  • #2354 TextBoxHelper.ButtonClicked should pass ButtonCommandParameter to ButtonCommand.CanExecute
  • #2343 Win8MetroPasswordBox Preview does not work with Tabcontrol (item > 1)
  • #2352 Can’t set ComboBox buttons width with ControlsHelper.ButtonWidth
  • #2370 Pasting over selection in NumericUpDown doesn’t work #2371 (@michaelprewecki)
  • #1901 ThemeChanging causing app crash
  • #1439 ComboBox in Toolbar closes if Scrollbar track/button is clicked
  • #1972 Changing Close button icon
  • #2166 Controls Do not get distinct automation ID’s
  • #2204 Progress ring dot scaling seems to be wrong (1.1.2)?
  • #2380 Missing FontSize Property for ProgressDialog/ShowProgressAsync
  • #2385 ButtonCommandMetroTextBox text displaid over icon.
  • #2220 Why in the MetroButtonTextBox the visibility of PART_ClearText is not managed as the MetroTextBox?
  • #2311 ComboBox won’t toggle closed in ribbon
  • #2396 ShowMetroDialogAsync does not raise DialogManager.DialogOpened event.
  • #2402 Window Command ItemSource Binding
  • #2403 NumericUpDown HasDecimals Is Broken. #2404 (@feinstein)
  • #2415 ToggleSwitch “Click” event not triggered #2421
  • #2413 Focusable (Selectable) Text in MessageDialog
  • #2409 MetroWindow can be closed while a modal dialog is shown
  • #2348 Thumb height of slider control
  • #2340 How to change Datagrid Header Background using our custom style and based on MetroColumnHeader?
  • #2390 PasswordBox CapsLockIndicator is not refreshed when host window is inactive
  • #2416 WPF inside WF, Cannot close Flyouts and FlyView doesn’t select
  • #2432 Modal Flyouts Window Not Dragable
  • #2333 FlipView SelectedIndex resetting bug
  • #2214 Is there a way to control the “PART_GlowBorder” thickness in FlipView?
  • #2126 FlipView.HideControlButtons() does not disable arrow keys.
  • #2395 MahApps.Metro resource icons cannot be used repeatedly
  • #2389 Circular FlipView
  • #2056 ToggleButton foreground color when selected
  • #1823 Cannot fully programatically maximize window.
  • #2414 Focus is lost after a dialog is closed
  • #2332 Calendar ignores IsTodayHighlighted property
  • #2420 ShowmessageAsync Cancellation Exception #2454 (@MatthewKinsman)
  • #2293 Align Tile Title
  • #2459 MetroDialogSettings not being propagated to ProgressDialog by DialogManager
  • #2462 Should a click on a MetroTabItems close button really clear the buttons Command and CommandParameter properties?
  • #2345 Can’t edit TextBoxHelper.ClearTextButton properties
  • #2474 right to left DatePicker
  • #2476 MetroWindow OnClosing exception (.Net 4.0)
  • #2339 The Glow border does not follow the window is is used the UseNoneWindowStyle property!
  • #2477 Create a custom Thumb for the title DragMove
  • #2449 Visual bug while using RightWindowCommands
  • #2495 Default for ControlsHelper.HeaderFontSizeProperty should be SystemFonts.MessageFontSize
  • #2479 DefaultButtonFocus Not Working As Expected PR #2505
  • #2514 NumericUpDown UseFloatingWatermark Issue
  • #2485 Hiding close button and title leaves blank space in top-positioned flyouts #2485
  • #2531 Setting TitleFontSize & CountFontSize in Tile is no longer working
  • #2109 Size of MahApps Dialog background..
  • #2538 Focus Message Dialog from flyout
  • #2537 Bad contrast in ProgressDialog’s progress bar
  • #2532 ProgressDialog close causes loss of focus on child control
  • #2486 DateTimePicker right click menu appearance
  • #2524 DatePicker and DateTimePicker UseFloatingWatermark don’t work
  • #2269 Make Controls:TextBoxHelper.UseFloatingWatermark=”True” work for DatePicker
  • #2525 System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimation’ cannot use default origin value of ‘Infinity
  • #2552 How to hide flyout title
  • #2556 Interact with DialogController from Background Thread (@xxMUROxx)
  • #2473 Cannot use DialogCoordinator from background threads.
  • #2551 Feature Request: NonActiveWindowTitleColorBrush
  • #2542 NumericUpDown SelectAllOnFocus doesn’t work
  • #2148 MetroProgressBar orientation does not work (@petvetbr) #2379
  • #2492 MetroProgressBar / IsIndeterminate / Animation Warning 6
  • #2504 DataGrid causes lag when switching content PR #2570
  • #2374 SplitButton: Add SelectedValuePath and SelectedValue property
  • #2540 Popup in SplitButton is aligned wrong
  • #2457 Splitbutton Popup doesn’t close
  • #2215 SplitButton does not respect GroupStyle
  • #2185 SplitButton IsPressed trigger won’t change Foreground
  • #2360 SplitButton Items
  • #2078 Fill DropDownButton items without Binding
  • #2051 DropDownButton and SplitButton doesn’t works
  • #2224 DropDownButton uses ItemTemplate template binding twice
  • #2569 DropDownButton popup placement
  • #2574 SplitButton Popup Doesn’t Close After Alt+Tab (@Deadpikle) #2621
  • #2498 Vertical space for Title still being taken up even though Title is blank
  • #2577 Window Resizing Erroneously Acts Deferred
  • #2279 Corner resize issues with GlowBrush enabled
  • #2591 Weird MetroProgressBar animation with IsIndeterminate=true
  • #1191 Missing style for RepeatButton
  • #2584 ComboBox UseFloatingWatermark Issue
  • #2598 DatePickerTextBoxBehavior NullReferenceException
  • #2611 SliderHelper.EnableMouseWheel is working only once when using TabControl
  • #2618 IgnoreTaskbarOnMaximize stopped working after windows 10 anniversary update. (@igorushi, @punker76)
  • #2635 Showing any Window before Main Window causes Left and Right window commands not work properly.
  • #2656 Flyout problem with ActualWidth